
We’re on a train again! This time heading out of Canada & into Washington, before Etienne’s tourist visa expires. We think he still has a few days left, but we don’t know for sure. Anyway, they’ve not shouted at us yet and we’ve already crossed the border so reckon he’s OK. [We’ve spent the last …

The Bonus Day.

Please disregard where I said our final Yukon hike was the last ‘real’ day in Canada. We thought it would be, but we actually had quite a nice day in Vancouver when our flight landed, so it’s not fair to discount that. There’s not really much to say about it, but it was still lovely. …

The Last Hike.

Our last full day in Yukon, signified our last ‘real’ day in Canada. (We’d technically have another 1.5 days, but all of this would be travelling, so not sure how much it counts!) We were planning to leave our accommodation in the morning to squeeze in a last hike – we’d need to go via …

Kathleen Lake.

Our final day in Kluane, we headed to Kathleen Lake. We were pretty tired (despite the super comfy cabin bed & an extra long lie-in), so intended to do a small walk, maybe like 3km or so. We set out onto the lake. A little way into our walk, we decided that we would go …

BBQ season begins!

Our first day in Kluane was a bit blahh. Not bad by any means, but we set out to do the “Auriol” hike and had high expectations. It was OK, but not really my cup of tea. We started off in snow shoes, walking through the forest, alongside cross-country tracks. Neither of us were enjoying …

Selfie with a moose.

Next up on our Yukon visit, was a few days over in Kluane (pron. Kluan-ee). I’d found some log cabins on the internet somewhere & emailed the guy way back in January. Another off-grid place (hence the insane behind-ness on my posts). We’d been out hella late, but I had work in the morning so …

Fishing for Lights.

At present, I’m sat in a Yurt in Washington state. The rain is tip-tapping on the roof and there’s the gentle hum of the fan-assisted wood stove. Etienne is doing the washing up, I’ve been excused from helping as “The blog is more important.” (His words, not mine.) I’m trying to cast my mind back …

Miles Canyon.

The next few days were spent in Whitehorse. We’d found a phone number for a BnB in the Yukon magazine that we read on the train to Vancouver. (I did mention the mag here, so you should know about it already. 😉 ) It was for A Scandia House, we were a tiiiiny bit nervous …

A Whistler-stop Tour.

Foreword on this entry: This was written while on a plane and we’re coming into land. It’s a pretty bumpy landing so I am trying to keep myself distracted. The result is I’m a bit more ‘ramble-y’ than usual. My suggestion would be to read in a quick, slightly panicked, “Are we gonna die?” kinda …