Selfie with a moose.

Next up on our Yukon visit, was a few days over in Kluane (pron. Kluan-ee). I’d found some log cabins on the internet somewhere & emailed the guy way back in January. Another off-grid place (hence the insane behind-ness on my posts).

Kicksled at the ready!

We’d been out hella late, but I had work in the morning so had to be up. It was my last shift of the season. Woohoo!!! Super grateful to have had the opportunity to work while travelling, but equally happy to be finishing up & totally work-free for a bit now. 😁

I completed my shift, had a quick chin-wag with Lene, then headed out. We picked up fuel & provisions as we knew we were going to be out in the sticks, then dropped into the Yukon Wildlife Preserve en-route. The preserve was pretty cool, we rented kicksleds to take round – hard work up hill but fun on the downward slopes!

We saw some bison, deer, a cute little arctic fox, mountain goats & a moose. The moose was our fave. There were also some carnivore/predator sections, but we missed them as we were speeding down the hill on the kick-sleds & then couldn’t be bothered to go back up.

We then made our way over to Kluane. The drive was incredibly scenic and we had some Haribo left, so two hours well spent. 👌

Kahtleen Cabin.

When we got to the cabins we were greeted by the owner, Roger. He was lovely; he’d lit the fire for us ahead of time so the cabin was nice & snug and gave us a quick run-down of how things worked. He also invited us to use the ‘luxury’ chalet further up the hill for dinner the next night, as we were the only people staying on the whole site. (Still shocked how Yukon is a ‘summer destination’ for normal people… we really thought March was a normal time to go!!!)

Once we’d finished chatting, we settled in, cracked open a bottle of prosecco & did some birthday videos for Etienne’s friend (Bob). The cabin overlooked the “Kings Throne” mountain, so a really cool back-drop. Can’t really put into words how cozy & lovely it was, but had THE best nights sleep of our trip, maybe even ever… so that should give you some idea.

See the Gallery
See the route: Map

NEXT BBQ season begins!
PREVIOUS Fishing for Lights.

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