Today we went Ice Climbing! It was so good, absolutely loved it. A bit pricey, but we paid aaaaages ago and it was worth every penny. 👌
We set off from Jasper around 10am & got back to our hostel an hour ago, around 4:30pm. The drive to the spot (Tangle Falls) took about an hour. It was organized by a local tour company though, so we learnt some cool stuff about The Rockies on the way from our guide. Facts included this interesting method of dating landslides & that the Rockies reached up to almost 9000m when they were originally formed and have since eroded down – with the current highest point in the Canadian Rockies being Mount Robson, just shy of 4000m.
We then climbed our little butts off. I was pretty rubbish and didn’t get anywhere near the top of my climbs, but I loved it and feel like I was starting to get the knack towards the end of the day. Etienne managed to reach the top of his climbs, so smashing it as usual! I can’t really put the day into words, it was just super fun & we learnt a lot. We’re insanely tired though & I expect we’ll ache in the morning.
Now determined to head out & enjoy our last night, despite the tiredness. Gonna go find a bar, maybe play some pool. 🎱