The Adventure Begins…

After a few months of ‘slow’ travel, today we set off on our road/plane/train trip across Canada!

First stop – Toronto.
We left our AirBnb in the morning & jumped on a bus to central Ottawa. After some faffing with our plastic bag of coins the bus driver just ushered us on without paying, woohoo freebie!

A quick change at Byward Market & we were on the coach to Toronto. I tried to take a super cool time-lapse of the journey out to share with you all, but it was naff so has been deleted. Here’s some proof we took the bus:  

We arrived in Toronto a few hours later. I spent the journey doing my blog (all those back-dated posts were started on that bus). Etienne napped & coded. We both ate sweets. 
When we got to Toronto we did more faffing with the coin bag, til the metro guard ushered us through for free too. Woohoo more freebies! We headed to our hostel making sure we didn’t end up South on Sherbourne, dropped our bags & went to explore. 

We spent the evening roaming the streets, then plotting up & watching the Super Bowl, in a Belgian pub, talking to an Irish Waiter. (FYI – the Super Bowl really isn’t big in Canada, it’s more of a US thing. We made that mistake too!) 
Great night, love Toronto so far… can’t say the same for Rihanna’s outfit choice for the half-time show though. 🤐

Highlight so far. 🐿️

NEXT Walking Tour of Toronto. (Day 1)
PREVIOUS Who needs 4G?

One Comment

  1. You’re going to have to teach me the ‘faffing in the coin bag’ trick 😂

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