Another slow day today. The weather said cloudy, so we decided to skip skiing and go tomorrow & Saturday instead. We both had some admin to do this morning anyway.
The first task on my list was to book our camping rental for our final week in this leg of the trip – we were planning to go to Montana (Yellowstone & Glacier) at the end of March. This part has caused us so much grief and we had spent A LOT of time making it work. Basically, we’d found out that there’s not much open that time of year & most of areas in the parks were inaccessible. We’d done loads of research to get a rough plan together and been chipping away at it for weeks – Honestly, it was a total headache.
Well, this morning I went to book the camping gear & there was an additional $100+ shipping cost. This was the icing on the cake really, as we realized it was costing us C$2500+ for 10 days and this excluded all activities. It was also a sort of ‘high risk’ choice – we might love it, or it might just be a total fail.
So, after A LOT of Googling, discussing, getting quotes, number crunching, Spreadsheeting (All other to-do’s were now paused)… We decided the best option was to just cancel this last part of the trip. We moved our flight from Seattle a week earlier & decided to forego Montana. At the same time, the weather here broke into glorious sunshine & we were both wishing we were on the slopes. Disappointment all round. A lost morning & hours days wasted planning something just to cancel. Huffffff!
But, as my good friend Sally would say: Onwards & Upwards. 💖
So we headed straight to the climbing wall.
After getting going on the top ropes & a bit of bouldering, we soon forgot our disappointment. I’m FINALLY trusting the gear & ropes and feel confident enough to go out with our own gear too, so that’s a win.
It’s also snowing as I write this, so some fresh powder on the slopes for us tomorrow. A second win.
And now I am off to have home-made tartiflette & review the links Etienne has shared with me for some GORGEOUS looking lodges in Washington for us to stay in before the flight. Is it just me, or does that sound like another win?
Three wins & I’m out. 👋
Note to anyone reading this: If you’ve had a rubbish day, go out and look for some wins. Chances are, they’re waiting just around the corner.
Or, start a blog & have a good old rant about it – that helps too. (Or, ping me a message & we can have a good old rant together. <3)