Today was another pretty dull day. I worked in the morning and then we had some (more!) admin… I know it must seem like a breeze just flitting around the world, but there’s a fair bit going on behind the scenes.
So, we booked our final bits for Washington (You know, those lodges I mentioned a few posts back?), tied up some loose ends for our Europe trip and did a quick update of the budget spreadsheet. (Fear not, we’re mostly on track & all my controls/checks are working. 🤓)

I also did my New Zealand Work-Holiday Visa submission; the cut-off is your 31st birthday, so I’ve got just over a month. I think I ballsed it up though, as I put my location as Canada and now they are challenging whether I am an “Ordinary Resident” of the UK. I’ve sent over some info which I hope is enough, but I’m not sure it will be. Probably should’ve just waited a few weeks & submitted from the UK – Oopsy!
We’ll take it in our stride whatever happens though. As Etienne always says, the key is being adaptable & we’re both alright at that. 👌
In the afternoon, we went for a mini hike in “Grotto Canyon”. It was nice and the canyon itself was cool, we saw someone Lead Ice Climbing which was pretty impressive. I’ve got a bit of a dodgy hip at the minute though, which caused me some aggro, and there was a big factory which was a bit of an eye sore at the start of the trail. It was still nice on the whole… just not Maligne-standards & I probably won’t remember it for long.
And to finish the day, we’ve embraced our North American location & got a dirty freezer-meal dinner (chicken wings & sweet potato fries, followed by pie & ice cream). A nice Beer-Fireball mix to wash it all down and some games to play while we’re chomping…. roll on a good night!
*Pronounced the American way: En-zee. (Even if we all know that’s wrong.)